Sunday, December 31, 2006

Friday, December 29, 2006

on to Michigan

Having spent nearly a week in Iowa, my family and I are continuing our holiday adventures by driving straight from Iowa to Michigan, bypassing our house to save a couple/few hours. While fourteen of us were at my grandparents, we played a lot of games, went bowling, disc golfed, opened gifts, sang Christmas carols, went to a larger family reunion, and ate a lot of food. Many of the same things lay in store for this coming weekend.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Opening Gifts

We opened gifts today!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Relaxing around the house on Christmas Day.
It’s time for a supper of dried beef and cheese.
Lights on the tree match the colors of the sunset sky. Dulcimer and banjo playing carols on the stereo. 
Grandma takes her harmonica and happily joins the tune.

Ultra-Merry Christmas

A series of sugar, sugar lows, and the occasional sugar high. No, this is not all we did on Christmas day– just what we were doing while Auld Lang Syne was playing.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Finals are done! It’s almost suppertime! I’m going to Amy’s tomorrow! Video chat is working! It was 55 degrees today! I have 60 meals to eat before I leave tomorrow! I think I got all A’s! I sold one book back and have money in my pocket! I have to pack for five different places tonight! It’s getting closer and closer to Christmas! I’m listening to Christmas music!

Monday, December 11, 2006

If I Ran the Library

Dear Librarian, if I were you,
There’s little things that I would do
To make this place a better one,
To make this place much better run.

I don’t say these books are bad
Or that the aura makes me sad.
It’s just that I have definitely had
Enough of this– it makes me mad.

I’m talking about the level of noise
Produced by inconsiderate boys.
Who strip this place of all it’s joys.
It makes me want to lose my poise.

I’ve searched throughout all Illinois
To find a study undestroyed
A quiet harbor to enjoy
Without these voices that annoy.

The noise would be less deafening,
The atmosphere less scary
If I could do this one small thing–
If I ran the library.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Late Friday Night

This is what me and friends look like late on Friday night after drinking a lot (of apple cider) and hanging out in a steel-sided shed with paint on the floor and leak spots on the ceiling and colored lights and mashed-up Christmas music pulsing through the air. We raised money for an AIDS-affected community in the area by selling art and clothing and hearing at least five live performers. If anyone wants some good cheap Hopi tribe art to hang on your walls, I have a source.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

I should probably write something.

My brain is feeling a little hazy with lack of sleep from the huge amount of Christmas and end-of-semester activities and assignments and I have quite a bit of stuff to do before ten minutes from now so I thought I’d take a break and blog for a minute.