Monday, April 20, 2009

scented song

I can almost smell Mt. Rainier. All summer, it will smell like spring. The breeze will wind up the valleys and past the waterfalls and under the sun to melt the snowpack slowly. I can almost smell this when I listen to "Noticed" by MuteMath. Songs roll like snowballs through our lives, gathering memories that cool the breeze at our backs.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April to April

It is April.

I went back and read all my journal and blog entries from a year ago. This is what I wrote on April 18, 2008: "It was about a year ago (today is April 18 and I sent out that first email on April 27 last year) that my roommate was trying to make me see the foolishness of my decisions. Yes, I know I do some crazy things, but I'm not doing them blind…"

Oh yes I was doing them blind. In April 2007, when I sent that first email out to ask if I could ride with anyone to Mt. Rainier, I had no idea that the man who said "sure" would end up being my best friend that summer. In April 2008 I didn't know just how good it would be to be that man's girlfriend. If I had known, I would not have been a bit worried about what my roommate had to say.

On April 23, 2007, my mom sent me this note: "I'm working on processing the thought that you might not be around this summer.  It's kind of yukky, like with Nathan, you guys go off to college, we think it's a 9 month stint but then you're not back in the summer either which turns it into 21 months which basically means you've moved out. I guess I just need to get a grip on reality."

On April 7, 2008, my mom sent me this note: "I know you're enjoying Rome right now, but a few things to get off of my mind and into yours: #1 Dad is accepting the Ft Collins offer…" That job lasted until this April. When Dad called and told me he got laid off, I thought he was kidding at first.

On April 4, 2008, Ryan asked me to be his girlfriend, and on April 11, 2008, I said "yes." Call me cruel for making him wait that long, but he had no way to know I had internet in Rome. Besides, this was no ordinary dating decision, and I thought it deserved a week-long anniversary.

This year, April 11 fell between Good Friday and Easter, so Ryan and I were able to celebrate together in Pella. We hung out with my grandparents, who have been married almost 48 years. During their first April as husband and wife, their first son was born (Happy Birthday, Dad!). They've had 46 more Aprils together since then. That's a lot of Aprils.

A lot can happen from April to April. That is why we walk by faith and not by sight.