Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm for summer.

Let me just say that my college is much more concerned about making first impressions than leaving a pleasant aftertaste. When we move in, they provide t-shirted helpers, shopping carts, and a few extra days just to settle in. I don't always get there a few days early, but at least there's the option. In the spring, they don't even bring us shopping carts to use. As if we had less stuff to bring out than we brought in at the beginning of the year. It's no wonder I never miss school when my most recent memories of school during breaks always include long nights, long papers, cramming, cramming stuff into boxes, hauling boxes, and cleaning the suite under ridiculous time constraints. Everyone out by five on the last day of finals. Naturally, I am often sick during this week. If this is what college is about, I'm for summer.

This summer, I am going to miss my school roommates.

I wonder who my roommates will be this summer. I wonder about a lot of things. I am excited about a lot of things. I am going to Paradise.

Monday, May 4, 2009

preferences, priorities

What would you rather have in the room with you?
An inkless printer?
A stained t-shirt?
An angry person?

What is more valuable?
A minute?
A year?
A person?

A lifetime or a life?