Sunday, September 30, 2007

to my family

Dear Family, Immediate and Extended,

You are amazing. I've realized this semester how much my life has been shaped by all of you. After coming back from a literal mountain-top experience this summer, focusing on school and feeling at home at Trinity has not been especially easy. Under the strain of loads of homework, leadership responsibilities, living with five other young women in a two-bedroom apartment, missing everything about Mt. Rainier, and getting headaches just from the smell of the city, I've been a little homesick. But when I'm homesick, it's not really for that place outside of Freeport. It's just for family in general. Phone conversations have been encouraging. It was so good to be in Michigan last weekend and to have Mom come visit this weekend. It's amazing to have my cousin on campus. It's crazy to realize that many of my best friends are related to me, that I've known them my whole life, that we've stayed connected the whole time even though we're spread all over the country, and that there's no reason why we can't stay connected for the rest of our lives. Sweet!



1 comment:

g'mavw said...

You have a wonderful way with words. I wish you would have gotten that from me. I just don't have words flowing from my brain that come out 'poetic like'! I hope that I am one of your friends besides being your granny!!