Thursday, March 27, 2008


Right now I'm catching up on a couple weeks of internet usage. Here's what I'm noticing:

1. Using internet minimally during the past two weeks probably had a lot to do with how much I did and saw during the past two weeks. More posts on that later.

2. I have to register for next year's classes during my five days in Rome. How's that going to work? I don't know. And how am I supposed to plan out what classes I want next year if I don't even have anything planned out for Rome except flights and a bunk in a hostel?

3. I miss Honors Tea back at Trinity and I think one of these days I'm going to buy some scholar cookies and munch them and think. Think about this quote that was quoted in the email I just read from my philosophy professor: "We didn't get into teaching to make trains of thought run on time."

4. Speaking of running on time– Happy (belated) birthday Grandma! I love you!

1 comment:

g'mavw said...

Thank you, Rebecca, love you too:)