Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I will always look back with fondness.

Sometimes people are paying for their order and they say, “So you guys drive up here everyday just to work? That must be quite a trek!” And I get to tell them that I live in the employee dorms nestled into the mountainside and half covered with snow just a five minute walk from the Jackson Visitor Center. That’s our dorm in the back, framed by the ranger’s station.

Staying in the dorms is tons of fun. Almost everyone is done with work by six or seven in the evening and no one ever has homework. When we aren’t doing ACMNP meetings or prayer times or Bible studies or music practice, we just play pool, foosball, darts, ping pong, mad gab, pictionary, scrabble, or cards. Or we watch movies or prank each other or just talk.
Everyone gets a couple days off each week, and since everyone here loves hiking, and since everyone here wants to be relatively safe, we automatically cooperate into hiking fellowships. Today it was Ryan, Felice, Erika, and I hiking together. We went down the mountain to were the trails are clear and dry. Erika was teaching me some Chinese and Felice was finding artistic points of view to capture with her digital SLR. Hao bung o! (That is indubitably spelled wrong!)

Tomorrow is the next day of my weekend, so I need to find out who else is off so we can hit the trails.

This is a picture of a grouse, I think. Quite nice. He and his mate were wandering around the dorm. And here’s one of the neighborhood foxes, checking our the preparing hikers in the parking lot.

Now I need to go take a shower, do my laundry, and pick out songs to go with the scripture for this Sunday.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

beauty everywhere

The beauty of Grandma and Grandpa heading up to Northwest Iowa right when I needed to go there.

The beauty of hopping in a car with a guy I didn’t know, and just knowing that he is a Christian being enough for credentials.

The beauty of the Missouri River valley, the cheese of the prairie, the rock formations of Wyoming, the cottonwoods of Montana, the mountains of Idaho, and the fruit stands of Washington.

The beauty of a blizzard in May at the continental divide and the beauty of finally driving out of it.

The beauty of seeing the peak of Mt. Rainier when we were still hours away.

The beauty of the winding road to Ashford.

The beauty of being escorted straight back to the employee break room and fed tacos and chocolate walnut pie.

The beauty of arriving.

The beauty of 60• and deep piles of snow.

The beauty of a dresser and a closet and a sink in my room and a toilet and shower room shared with the room next door.

The beauty of having my own room for a couple days and the beauty of expecting my roommate’s arrival from Rwanda.

The beauty of 100% awesome teammates.

The beauty of the body of believers.

The beauty of teaching some Spanish to my Singaporean coworkers.

The beauty of the walk home after work.

The beauty of God directing my words in a conversation with a seeking unbeliever.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I am discombobulated because I only have two more days of classes, four days of finals, two and one half days of packing and soaking in the midwestern countryside, and two days of sitting in a car before I am at Mt. Rainier National Park.

I am happy to have recovered from the twenty-four hour stomach flu. It is too bad my thermometer wasn’t healthy while I was sick. I really want to know if I really had a 108* fever like it said. I researched the internet to find out what happens when you have a 108* fever and they didn’t have a very large body of evidence to present. But the thing about your brains melting at precisely 106* is a farce. High temperatures like that can give you a seizure or make you go limp. They would kill the stores of vitamins in your body. They would kill your acidophilus.

Oh boy I feel swell! Maybe the fever damaged the worry part of my brain. Maybe I’m just happy to be feeling better. It sure feels good to feel good!

For all you curious people, no I did not draw that picture, it was found on the internet by typing in “discombobulated” to the Google image search.