Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Okay, so tomorrow at 7:30 (which is when I am usually just getting up) I have to be at my school in the next suburb, reader to be the most stellar teacher aid within my capabilities. Why is this scary? Because it's high schoolers, and it is inevitable that they won't accept me unconditionally like the special needs 5th graders I worked with last semester. Because it's Spanish class, which I am not nearly prepared to teach. Because it's a Hispanic community which means I won't know nearly as much as the students.

I wanted Spanish and high school and a Hispanic student body, but I don't know if I can handle all three at once!

But I don't have to be the teacher. Just the teacher aid. Breathe deeply. Go to bed early.

Dude! I'm excited!

1 comment:

g'mavw said...

'The LORD is my strength
and my shield;'
You have a good verse on your blog for this, don't you?
Have fun, you'll do fine!