Wednesday, January 30, 2008

a typical day

Typical day:

-Get up at 8:00am
-Eat cereal for breakfast. My roommate Alaina eats toast like a normal Spaniard, but I'm just special because my body can't eat yeast every day. Try explaining that to someone who doesn't speak English and who has only ever eaten toast for breakfast every day of her life for all of her sixty years. That was my first full-length conversation with my señora.
-Shower and get ready for school.
-Walk twenty minutes through Triana (my barrio), over the canal Guadalquivir, past the Torre de Oro, past the McDonald's, to my school.
-Attend three classes, completely in Spanish (we are not allowed to speak English at the school). I take advanced grammar, art history (We are visiting the mosque in Córdoba this Friday!) and a literature class on Don Quijote.
-Spend some time on the internet, since we don't have internet at our apartment.
-Walk home for our 2:30 lunch.
-Do some homework during the siesta. It's been gorgeous every day, so we often go to the park.
-Explore our barrio. One of my favorite spots is Antonio's store.
-Return to school to use the internet, meet up with friends for tapas, or attend a school activity.
-Walk back home for our 9:30 supper.
-Finish homework, journal, and talk until bedtime.

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