Monday, November 27, 2006

on the size of this college

This college is too small. I have to work my schedule around its schedule.

This college is too big. It’s impossible to learn everyone’s name, so half the time I don’t know who people are talking about.

This college is too small. I walk down the sidewalk feeling obligated to acknowledge everyone.

This college is too big. I take the same class as my friends, and we don’t even get to be in the same section.

This college is too small. The weekends are dead.

This college is too big. If some of these lovely young women would leave, the guy/girl ratio would be a lot more level.

This college is too small. I can’t avoid those mediocre professors.

This college is too big. The most classes I have with the same person is two. How am I supposed to get to know anybody if I have two classes with them tops?

This college is too small. The cafeteria has really short hours. On weekends I don’t even have time to go back for seconds.

This college is too big. I have to pass up dozens of promising activities every week.

This college is too small. “There’s like nothing to do. We have to dye our hair every week just to stifle the boredom.”

This college is to big. Too much room for people who say, “There’s like nothing to do. We have to dye our hair every week just to stifle the boredom.”

This college is too small. Something is wrong when I can already tell whoever is walking behind me just by the sound of their voice.

This college is too big. It takes forever to walk to the parking lot where my car is at.

This college is too small. I’m running out of places to explore.

This college is too big. I feel defeated because there is no way I will ever be able to learn all that is offered, especially the life lessons that individuals offer. Like tonight, I’m sitting in psychology and we have to talk in groups and I find out that the girl I am sitting next to has an inspiring story and many of my same interests, and I don’t even know her name. And if this college was smaller, we would probably be best friends or something. But no. I may never even have another class with her.

This college is too small. It is missing something important: an obvious best friend for Rebecca.

This college is just right.

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